About – A Marked Woman

About the Novel

bookI anguished for decades about how my mother ended behind closed doors.  In my teens, I was struggling for identity myself and had no control over my mother’s destiny.  Of course, I pleaded for my father to have mercy and not betray her.  My mother had a religious upbringing and passed her beliefs on to me.  Was falling in love with my father her biggest mistake of her 43 years?  Had she not graduated from high school in 1930 during the Great Depression her dreams for a college education would have been possible.

Her father was a successful business man and planned to send her to Indiana State Teachers College.  What happened to Pop’s money?  Did Naomi’s realization there would be no college life lead to throwing her religious beliefs aside?

Did Naomi’s desire to be loved interfere with her religious beliefs?  “A Marked Woman” is based on the true story of how my Naomi’s life changed over a period of twenty four years.  There were happy times raising two children and spending time in the Pennsylvania woods.  World War II brought about many changes.  Naomi became involved with the war effort and went to work like many other women in the 40’s.  She joined book clubs and read every book she could trade or afford to buy.  Her taste for nice clothes, hair styles and manicures increased as did her income.  Her husband, Russ,  began to resent her earning money which enabled her to provide music and dancing lessons for their kids.  Arguments became frequent and abusive.  Russ no longer was coming straight home from work.  He refused to take Naomi dancing or to social clubs.  Naomi’s heart ached for attention.  What happened to their marriage?  Russ betrayed his wife but there must have been others involved?